Autumn 2- Week 1


Posted by mrssandonwebb | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 5, 2021

What a week we have had!

This week the children have be learning about ‘Air Pollution’ as part of their Parliament Week learning.

They started by researching what air pollution is and why it is an issue for us. They then used this knowledge to identify the causes, effects and solutions.

Each pupils then created a poster to inform their audience of the dangers of air pollution and what we can all do to solve it.

Beech Class finished the week by creating a video, which details the facts they learnt, which can be viewed on the school YouTube channel.

In maths the children were learning about addition, focusing on adding multiples of 10 to a 3 digit number. They worked really hard to exchange and were able to use the dienes. Next week they will be looking at formal methods to support this.

French week beginning 1.3.21


Posted by mrssoal | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 3, 2021


Hope that you are all well. Not long to go now until we can see each other again!

This week I am setting you a revision quiz on numbers. This shouldn’t be too difficult and we need to keep reviewing numbers.

Go to the website “quizziz” and enter the code below. the quiz will appear for you to complete.

Ask participants to open

and enter this code
Hope this works for you.
Have a good day and keep safe!
See you soon!
Mrs Soal


Zoom in, Zoom out! The Results…


Posted by missalangham | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 28, 2021

Well done to anyone who thought it was ice! That was a tricky one.

beginning 22.2.21


Posted by mrssoal | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 24, 2021

Week beginning 22.2.2021

Year 3


Hope that you are all well and that you have had a good half term.

This week I would like you to learn how to write the date in French using days of the week, numbers to 31 and months of the year.

Look at the PPT attached to remind you of the days of the week, months of the year and numbers in French. La-date PPT year 3

In French, when you write the date, you do not put a capital letter on the month.

For example, today’s date would be:

Jeudi 25 mars

and in full letters: Jeudi vingt-cinq mars

Now complete the quiz. Just follow the link.

Ask participants to open

and enter this code


Bonne Chance! (Good luck!)

Keep safe and well.

Mrs Soal




French week beginning 8.2.21


Posted by mrssoal | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 10, 2021

Week beginning 8.2.2021

Year 3


Hope that you are all well and keeping your minds busy.


Last week you had to research “La Chandeleur”. I hope you were able to find all the answers to the questions. This week, I would like you to create a poster about “La Chandeleur” using the answers to your questions. You can write an explanation in English about the French tradition and illustrate your poster by adding picture, labels in French and colours. Use the recipe and the PPT I have added to help you with adding words in French. Les crepes 3-4

Keep your poster or post a picture of it so that we can have some on display in the classroom when we get back together.

I have also included a recipe in French for you to make pancakes at home if you can.

Bonne Chance! (Good luck!)

Keep safe and well.

Mrs Soal

Zoom in, zoom out!


Posted by missalangham | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 10, 2021

This is an image of something which has been magnified, but what do you think it is? Write your ideas in the comments and all will be revealed later!


What a battle!!


Posted by mrssandonwebb | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 7, 2021

It came down to the final day, but Willow Investigators just pipped Maple to the Top Spot!

Well done Willow Investigators!

Next week – Back to cross class competitions! Look out for the new competitions on:





French week beginning 1.2.21


Posted by mrssoal | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 3, 2021

Week beginning 1.2.2021

Year 3


Hope that you are all well and keeping your minds busy.


This week I would like you to research a French tradition. (It is also a tradition in England but there might be a few differences and you can compare the two. )

This tradition is called “La Chandeleur”. So I would like you to answer the following questions about it in order for you to discover what it is…

  1. What day is La Chandeleur celebrated?
  2. Where does the word come from?
  3. Why is it celebrated?
  4. What do the French do on that day?
  5. What do they eat on that day?
  6. Is there another pancake day in France? What is it called?

You can find information about La Chandeleur here:

Bonne Chance! (Good luck!)

Keep safe and well.

Mrs Soal




The Gobbledegook


Posted by missalangham | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 31, 2021

​Mrs McGrath wanted to share some wonderful writing, that the children at home have been working on during their Teams meetings! Well done to those who have contributed to some really descriptive writing! ⭐️
The Gobbledegook has a big round hard green head with spiky sharp horns and a tuft of soft hair. Orange-yellow beady eyes stare at you. A carrot nose with hairy nostrils smell bananas and rats from a hundred miles away.
Razor sharp teeth make it look like he is going to eat you up.
He has nine long, blue, jiggly, wiggly legs with fragile teeny weeny starfish feet.
The arms are wiggly and stretchy like Mr Tickles. They stretch higher than a giraffe’s neck.
A curly whirly tail is as black as soot and looks like the tail that belongs to a rat. 
This creature is not friendly, he whacks his tail against people. Horns down, he chases people to tickle them. Look out…he loves to eat hands! I think he believes those fingers are sausages!

Wash Your Hands! by Lottie, Tabitha, Jacques, Hope, Alfie and Evie


Posted by missalangham | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 31, 2021

We have put together a little clip for you to enjoy! ⭐️

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